Demon´s Doomsday 1.0 is a great monsters arcade game. After its easy installation, the game will be launched and you will find at the main screen direct access to general options like screen view, music, sound and country; also at the main screen you will se a help section, there you can read about the game overview and its objectives. During the game you will play a hero that represents the one, and you have to save the world from evil forces. To control your character moves you will use the arrow keys, to use a cord you can use the left or right Ctrl, and to strike use the spacebar. You can play it in easy, medium or hard level. During the game you will have to fight against ghouls, witches and skeletons and for each level you will have more and more evil creatures. Be sure to pick up all the weapons that will appear during the game, also be careful and pick up all the small hearts that will restore your vital energy and the bigger hearts that will grant you extra lifes. Enjoy this easy to play arcade game.